Have you been making your own films, submitting them to film festivals, and trying to get going as a filmmaker?
Have you been shooting your own stuff for years, have lots of ideas, but can’t seem to get a career going?
Do you see postings that you’d like to apply to, but don’t have the qualifications they want?
How do you get the experience that gets you hired?
I’ve been making an incredible living in the film industry for 20 years, and here’s what I can tell you:
Making films on your own and submitting them to festivals as a way to get noticed by the industry is a tough road.
The professionals are not hanging around at film festivals.
The professionals are too busy working on shoots. Features, TV shows, commercials, promos, sports, reality shows, on and on.
They are thinking about their own careers. This is a great thing to realize… because then you can start thinking like a professional yourself and DO WHAT THEY DO.
I’m an Emmy award winning filmmaker here in Los Angeles and have a career where I’m “in demand” for 20 years. I broke into film 20 years ago through National Geographic and now am on set every week as a department head in Los Angeles on TV shows, feature films, and commercials.
If you want to become a sought after professional, here’s what I know:
You must get on these TV shows, features, reality shows, commercials and work. There are many paid jobs you can get where you can build your experience and meet people. You want to meet Directors, Producers, Executive Producers, and Showrunners.
You must work alongside these people to form relationships.
Meeting someone once, or at an event is fine… but it won’t get you much… and I suspect it probably hasn’t. That’s why you are not where you want to be, because you don’t have the relationships.
You want professionals to hire you to shoot film, to direct, to write.
And that can happen, but they need to know you first!
You need to get on set with us, to meet us, know us, and for us to know you and like you!
And you need to be on set all the time too.
Us professionals have short memories. Heck I can barely remember the shoot I did last week. Because I’ve been on 2 other shoots since. I remember the people I worked with on the last shoot. But 2 weeks ago, I’d have to look it up and I don’t have time. I’m on set again and again. Week after week. A TV show this week, a promo on the weekend, 2 commercials next week. Different shoots all the time, different people on every set.
Everyone gets opportunities by BEING THERE ON SET. That’s how WE professionals get all our work!
This is a huge revelation. It’s something that I see filmmakers ignore because they think their own low budget work will get them there.
Only professional relationships will get you professional work.
How do you get professional work in the first place?
You get referred to it by a professional.
Like someone asks them if they are available for a shoot next week. But, they are already booked.
So, they think, “Who can I refer?” and since they just worked with you last week, they think of YOU.
Because they know you, like you, just worked with you last week… and it’s really casual, they say, “Oh call___, they’re great. Just worked with them last week on a feature film.”
Yes. That’s how everyone gets work in the film industry.
A shoot comes up, and we go, “Who do I know whose good?”
And then you get the call.
So, you just need to get into that professional circle.
Would you like to learn how to do this? If so, click on the box to sign up for our next Career on Fire training! It’s FREE. It will show you how to make these professional relationships so you can start getting a professional career going.
Right below this article. OK, see you then!