Congrats on joining the Into The Industry Certification 6 Month Mentorship Program

So, what’s next!?

Check your email! 📧 You’ll receive an email one shortly.

1. You’ll get all the modules for Into The Industry Certification given to you all at once. This is an honor system that I’m giving you the entire program as you are committing to the 6 month payment plan or the pay in full option.
2. You’ll get an invite into Yammer on Friday.
3. And you’ll be invited to all the training calls happening this week and for the next 6 months.
4. You’re invited to all the special bonus training we do, and add to the program.

Do not share your log in with anyone. The system has an incredibly smart way of seeing who is sharing. If the system thinks you are sharing it will lock you out and you will be taken out of the program, lose access to the content for life, even though you paid for it. Do not break this terms and conditions.

Our material should only be in the hands of those (like you) who have invested in it. Our methods are proprietary and give YOU a huge advantage, so don’t share. It’s totally top secret and for your eyes only.

See you on our calls, in the mastermind, and looking forward to helping you with your career on film sets. 🎬
