The Free Workshop starts 10 AM Pacific on May 14th.

Free Access to Friends in Film’s

The Opportunity Formula

Why is it you see postings happening around you, but you have no way to get on them yourself?

What makes it possible for ordinary people like you and me to life our dream career?

Earn $3,000 per day.

Win an Emmy. Nominated for a 2nd Emmy.

Travel the world with a film crew.

Work with Beyonce, Oprah, Samuel Jackson, Brad Pitt.

What is the difference between those who do and those who don’t?

The Opportunity Formula

The formula is what all successful people follow to know how to get opportunities.

And now I am teaching it to you.

First, I teach you the 3 beliefs you must adopt to create opportunities to getting on more film sets.

Second, I teach you the formula, the 4 action steps you need to take to get the ball rolling into doing film for a living.

When you have learned these beliefs and action steps, you will be well on your way to new opportunities to act, write, shoot camera… just like my amazing students.

This training comes out of my new book, The Reinvention Formula. I’m going to share my secrets for finding opportunities from that book with you during the workshop.

I have personally created the most amazing opportunities, and I can teach you how I did it so you can, too.

FREE. Join us now.

The Intensive’s Schedule

DAY 1: Saturday, May 14


The 3 Beliefs That In-Demand Film Professionals Know

DAY 2: Sunday, May 15


The 4 Action Steps To Get Your Ball Rolling

DAY 3: Tuesday, May 17


Janet Works With Your Own 4 Action Steps In Your Market

FREE. Join us now!

My Mission For You:

I’m Janet Urban, Emmy-award winning filmmaker and founder of Friends In Film, a group of go-getter film industry professionals who are located in major metropolitan areas of the US, as well as London, Sydney, Vancouver and Toronto. ⁣

My mission is to show actors, filmmakers and writers how to take control of their careers and, more specifically, work professionally on TV shows and feature films.⁣ We are the fastest way into Netflix!

FREE. Join us now!

On set working with Carlton, one of my students

FREE LIVE 3-Day Intensive

Take The Right Actions To Start Your Career in Film!

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