It’s my first week as a DIRECTOR’S ASSISTANT for a feature film that’s coming to NYC this summer! It stars Rebel Wilson (Pitch Perfect and How To Be Single). I’m hired from pre-prod all the way through editing – about 6-7 months of work!
And the perks continue to FLY in. The production company gave me a rental car to have for the duration of the job to drive the director around! They pay for gas and everything!!
Friends in Film in ACTION in London!
Every week I get a check from a production company and NOT a restaurant!! OMG it feels so good to work hard in the industry I LOVE.
Thanks to Janet and FIF.
So it’s a good thing I haven’t read the books yet to watch the show (my preference) or I would’ve had to hold back from being a star-googling fan! Pretty cool working on a large set with big stars attached, much higher level in quality work! Also…………..THIS is how you film “Carpool Karaoke“, lol. Link goes to more info on the show.
Hi FIF Fam!
Having an amazing time working on a Netflix feature in CO with Robert Redford & Jane Fonda! We have 2 & a half weeks left of shooting and I’m really sad to finish – I love all of the people I’m working with! Looking forward to what’s next!
Hope you all are having an amazing week!!
Hey Yammer Folks! Just finished the last module in FIF training!
Since starting the program, having never been on a real set in my life, I have now worked my way into the art department side of things and I am making more money than I have ever made in my life!
I am addicted to the set and excited to see more opportunities come my way.
The force is with us friends!
Stay positive and never stop visualizing the future that you want to see!
Hey guys! I had the absolute privilege of working on a new spin off reality show for America’s Next Top Model. It’s called “Top Photographer.”
I met amazing people and learned a lot about working with people that are celebrities and super stars. It’s all about mindset folks–you have every right to be working with them–don’t ever let yourself feel inferior :D
I’m already making LA contacts so hopefully a visit to LA and meeting you is only a few months away ;)
Thanks so much Janet :)
Hey Friends!
I am just checking in and I would like to say that:
Everyday I feel more like me and less what others expect of me!
I would like to tell you how much I appreciate having you in my life! Thank you Janet for creating this amazing program … I finally feel like I fit in and I am just getting started!
Lots of love and smiles!
Ok y’all! This is my very first PAID SET DESIGN job! I did this Lil backyard platform. All solo. So huge for me to be head of a department, to have a PA helping me it was so humbling.
It played so well on camera!
So my first set design gig is in the bag! $600 pay day not too shabby!
AJ was homeless in NYC when he started the mentorship program.
From homeless to…. this?

Hi Team!
Here’s a photo from the indie production I AC’d for! That’s ASSISTANT CAMERA!
That’s me and the DP on the monitor :) We had great times – I learned a ton! SUCH AS:
– When you’re on camera, you gotta be on your toes! Have the slate READY for the next scene, if you zone out, the whole team will be waiting on you.
– When you have the slate close to the actors, do NOT slam it – slate softly!
– How to pull focus electronically
– Film school is very VERY unnecessary (the crew either marveled that they never needed it or complained that it was a waste of money)
Had my second PA opp last night and look who I got to meet and work with…the legendary FIF MENTOR Patrick! After working my day job and then being here through the night, it made for quiiiiite a long day (27 hours), but it was yet another learning experience and I still enjoyed it! It was great getting to chat with Patrick and see him in action and of course just be on a movie set :-D
I just wrapped on ABC’s the Match Game hosted by Alec Baldwin. I was PAing for that gig, and I’ve been working ferociously on NBC’s Give.
Since getting into this program and watching the Modules, and the adopting the mindset of the Get It Factor. Literally opportunities have been opening up for me left and right.
At the Wrap Party for match game the HMU Dept Head, came up to me and asked me all about myself.
She told me that she thought I had great energy, and a sharp mind. She said I should be one of the producer’s personal assistants, and proceeded to introduce me to all of the shows writer’s and producers!
That experience was incredibly validating and a sign that we’re all on the right track and that Janet is literally giving us gold.
Thank you Janet for putting this together.
So since I started FIF a month ago I’ve worked for NBC, ABC, JP Morgan Chase, Advil, and a few others I don’t even remember.
Thank you Janet Urban…and thank all of you supportive bat team members.
Every time I leave set I’m like giddy to come report back to you all.
This week, I was on set working as a Toy Tech for a commercial (super fun, got to play with Hot Wheels cars all day and get paid my top rate!!)
I got $250/day to play with toy cars. 3 day shoot. Mind-blowing!
I was asked to work by 4 (FOUR) other productions!
I had to say “I’m booked, but thanks for thinking of me!!” to each one, but holy crap!!
4 different productions asking me to work for them in the same day?! YES!
It’s unbelievable what Janet’s training and mentoring can do for you if you put in the effort to apply it.
It may not feel like it every day, but keep at it, keep smiling and bringing positive energy, and working your hardest, and you’ll hit that success before you ever imagined you would!
Peace and love everyone! Hope to see you on the call tomorrow!
I wanted to share a win!
Last week, I just saw a post about needing a PA. I immediately jumped on that opportunity and I said that I just finished a shoot for a McDonalds commercial a couple of weeks ago.
He quickly replied “Hey Ashley, you did that shoot with Fon?” (Fon was the line producer for the shoot) and I said “Yes!” and he said “Oh cool! So you are available Monday then?” and I said “Yes I am :)”.
The next day he sent the call sheet and I am on the shoot for 5 days!!!!!
Its so cool to see how everyone is interconnected!
Because I worked with someone he knew, I got the job!
This program is awesome and has transformed my life.
When you work with great people, you become great!
I cannot thank Janet enough. :)
Janet! Hiiii!!!
So many amazing things happening!
FIF is perfect! I think I will finally be able to make an in person call next Sunday. I’d love love love to talk about what people can accomplish within just the first two months in the program if you are in need of someone to speak to on the call.
I’m working on module 6 but have already made enough money to pay off the program, in like 7 weeks!
Janet asked if I could speak on the call tomorrow, but ya know what I told her? “I’m BOOKED on a shoot!” :D
Now, I don’t say this to brag. The other amazing people in this program don’t say these things to brag!
We post about these things to show you that this is REAL, and that success is out there and so much closer than you can possibly imagine.
Good morning friends! Just checking in, good things are happening here in LA! Landed roles on back to back auditions this past week, a historic event for me as I will have my first official role with dialogue!
And you know what guys?! The inspiration from all of YOU, as well as Janet, and the guidelines of this program have enabled me to break free of that old Corporate America 9-5 life that was holding me back from growing and being happy in my career choice!
It’s a bittersweet feeling having to turn down another boom op gig next week, but that is due to the role that I landed at my audition on Wednesday and I cannot pass it up! Will check in soon with more updates and some pictures from the set this weekend in DTLA!!
Have a wonderful weekend and keep grinding!
I. Am. Doing. It! So yesterday I was on my on my first PAID shoot!
It was a great shoot! And it was also hotter than hell outside! lol. I wish I could share some photos with you guys, but once it has been released I definitely will.
At the end of the night after we wrapped the director said “I appreciate you coming out. Welcome to the team… ”
I was like oh man. I also told him that I was an actress and he said he’d be happy to put me on as talent! Ahhh! Yes!
So yeah…my day was filled with joy after a long 12 hour day. =)
I just came back from my very first paid PA gig and it was awesome!
It was a 3 day job. Wow I cant describe the way that I feel! It was absolutely amazing, I was on professional shoot and I believe the budget was $200,000.
We were shooting for a history channel commercial with a hi tech robot.
I worked my ass off but let me tell you guys! People were so appreciative I had at least 5 people telling me that I rocked the day ( I knew I did I got Get it Factor lol Thanks Janet Urban)
They even though that I was a swinger lol I was everywhere doing anything that I can to help while the other PA were standing on the side and chit chatting I was all eyes and ears.
Yes, honestly I wasn’t even sure if I could get on a volunteer jobs when I started the program but your videos and examples of others give me a strength and guided me towards this job!
Everything happened so fast and when I got the offer I didn’t even blink I just said yes and had a positive thoughts “Yes I can do this. “
Thanks to your confidence training and videos I was bold to go for it.
Before FIF I couldn’t even imagine it and now its Reality!
Working at a stage today! Tommy Hilfiger shoot :)
Also got some good feedback from the emails Janet Urban challenged me to send!
Casting director said welcome back! And could I hold a date and the Coordinator said she has a job coming up in the next 2 weeks with more details to come!
Working with supermodel Gigi Hadid today!
Before finding FIF, I was frustrated, angry, discouraged and felt hopeless in the film community. I was frustrated my agent was not sending me out more, and felt that I was stuck in my day job. I stumbled upon the program randomly (I think by facebook) and decided to go for it.
Since joining the program, I have been able to get into the industry. I have gained confidence, relationships, networks and WORK.
I have learned so much about the industry, and learned how to involve myself without much prior experience.
I used to walk on set meek and timid, and now can walk on with confidence.
I have been able to book more work as an actress, as I have found ways to keep level headed and not intimidated. I have gained a sense of worth, confidence and found my firm stance in my calling.
I have learned how to connect and talk to Casting Directors, Producers, execs, and higher ups without being awkward or too pushy.
I have met the man of my dreams on one of my shoots, and couldn’t be happier. One specific experience that I had was when I met my boyfriend. I ended up coordinating the extras and worked alongside the DP, so I was promoted to 2nd AD!
The Producer later then also made sure that I was featured because I worked to help out the crew.
THEN later that day, the Producer came up to me and said that the Director specifically asked for me to come back the next day.
Throughout all of this, I was working alongside and coordinating with my now boyfriend, so it was a win-win for all! It was one of the most amazing experiences that I have had while on set. : )
WE are the future of the film world. I am excited to be collaborating with creatives NOW! SO exciting!!!
I believe that “Friends in Film” is greater than we imagine and that its effect on the industry will take on a life of its own and become generational, and I hope to be a part of it.
Furthermore, I feel as though “Friends in Film” is the answer to my prayers. See, though I have an education in film — before FIF, I had never worked professionally in the industry. And I had kind of gotten preoccupied with “real life” i.e. …available Work, Budget, Family and “friends.”
Now after finding FIF: I have realized that there is industry work available in my immediate area, that the income from working in the industry can be awesome. I can both have an “Amazing Career” in film and make friends in film that have a great deal in common with me, and develop lifelong friendships.
I started with FIF in Feb of this year. Like a lot of people I saw the Career on Fire advertisement in my newsfeed on facebook. It was free so I was like let me check it out. I’ve always wanted to work in film but I didn’t know where to start.
I went to school but they didn’t teach me how to get a job so my school training wasn’t any help.
Since day 1 of starting with this program I did exactly what Janet told us to do in the training and I have learned so much and I have been getting work.
I got 2 checks today from different projects and I’m overwhelmed because I never thought I would be working in the industry making money in less than a year!
I’m not putting up these checks to brag but to just give someone who may be doubting themselves hope. FIF is one of the best investments I have ever made! Just stick with it! I know 2016 is going to be crazy!
Before Friends in Film, I was at the lowest point of my life thus far. I was depressed, felt that I was no good, that there was no hope for me. I was living with my mother, and I had absolutely no money, and a job that made me feel like I was dirt. Before then, I had been attempting to start a life in Vegas, with no help, no connections, and no idea how to even begin! Once again, I felt like a total failure, because I hadn’t been trained properly. Even before then, just fresh out of college, I was still depressed, living with mom, with no idea what direction to go in, or even what motive. So, in all, I was severely depressed for over 2 years!
Then my girlfriend found Friends in Film. We had just moved out of my mom’s house and into a new one. I thought, ‘Oh, this is probably not going to help me, but eh, I’ll give it a shot’, and did the free trial. I was instantly hooked, because you, Janet, were giving little tips an hints of how to get in the business, and I hadn’t even paid yet! I had to get into the program.
Now, I’m doing what I have wanted to do since graduating college! I’m a professional SFX makeup artist; I’m confident in saying that I’m one of the more talented ones out in Atlanta, because I’m told that constantly by my colleagues!
I’m making my own schedule, I’m booked nearly every weekend, I’ve made THOUSANDS of dollars since starting, and I’m only going to make THOUSANDS more! And I’m just at the surface with indie films! I’m still doing the program, and I’m learning how to get into even BIGGER businesses, and to be honest, I already feel like I’m on the right path.
Yes! This program doesn’t only help you with jobs, but it really helps you find your best self, and more confidence. It gives you positivity and whenever you feel doubtful, you know Janet and the gang are going to be there to tell you that you’re amazing.
Cool story! The shoot last shoot that I was on offered a chance to whoever wanted to go skydiving now was their chance. So I got to go skydiving with professional military skydivers that actually train military officers! I love my job and life!