Posts from Into the Industry mentorship program
Here are some photos from my shoot so far in Hawaii! It’s hard to take pictures because I’m operating camera. There’s the view from my room, one I took while getting b-roll footage yesterday and a photo of the catamaran that we filmed on this evening. I got a little motion sickness on the boat but it was still a blast!
Hey everyone! :)
As promised, here are a couple of pictures of me on set today- I tried to get my tool belt in the frame!
I was the Wardrobe Supervisor for the short film I worked on today, and I will be doing the same thing tomorrow for the same film!
It will be the last day of shooting, and there are quite a few scenes to cover, so tomorrow will most likely be a tricky day, but I’m prepared and will bring a pleasant attitude no matter what! :)
Good morning! I can’t make the call today cause I’m on set for a Honda commercial! We’re by a lake and the birds are singing and the sunrise is just gorgeous!
I had a great time working on the Voice this weekend!
I had a very early morning and didn’t sleep super well the night before, so in the morning I felt super tired but I kept telling myself “It’s gonna be a great day. You’re in Chicago! Working on the Voice!
This is awesome!” And it definitely helped. Once I got there and met a lot of the other PAs and started working things went very smoothly.
I was paired up with a Producer in an audition room, and I would bring groups in ten at a time, collect their paperwork and give them instructions.
After the first couple of groups, the Producer asked me to do a thing or two differently, but after that I got into a groove and things went really well.
I checked in with him at our lunch break to see how the flow was going for him, and he said it was working well.
Here’s a photo we took of a bunch of us PAs!
Hello FIF family! Long time since I’ve posted. Quick update. I am still working with Chicago Fire and on Monday they want me in charge of first team. That means I manage all the actors and make sure I know where they are at all times and get them on set at every moment they are supposed to be there. Talk about responsibility!
FIF Chicago peeps in the house!! Thanks for coming out last night! Cheers to 2017! It’s going to be a great year!
Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well!
I’ve been traveling all over the country working on so many great projects and connecting with amazing people.
I’ve been working on commercials, shorts, live broadcast events and I’ve filled many roles which include production assistant, video playback operator, production coordinator, swing, and camera op.
None of this would of been possible without Janet and the FIF Family.
It’s because of Janet’s insight and the FIF members sharing their experiences that I was able change the way I work on set and connect with people.
Hello awesome FIF peeps!
I know you are all rockin’ it out and I wanted to drop you a quick line about my experience on and off set so far this week.
I have been in the program for 15 months and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I make my income 100% from the industry (I make a lot of $) and I still have to pinch myself sometimes.
My schedule is booked solid until Christmas, so much so that I’m referring other FIF peeps to work that keeps coming my way. I have so much work that I get to pass it forward how great is that!?!?
This week I’ve been on 2 different shoots, the first was with a crew I work with a lot and the 2nd is with a whole new crew. Today is day 2 on the 2nd shoot. Both the field producer AND sound mixer reported back to the production company in LA to get me on as many shoots as they can. They approached me separately to tell me this and that they have worked with a lot of people but none have impressed them so much in JUST 1 DAY! It’s so fulfilling to hear these things constantly and it’s all thanks to what Janet Urban teaches.
This is what the program is all about. Getting on set, networking, getting referred for other jobs, always learning, advancing in the industry and doing it all with memorable personality and great attitude.
Have a great rest of your week!
Hey y’all! Been a long week! On location in South Carolina (about 2 in a half hours from where I live) all week. Wrap today.
HGTV. Super amazing Crew in from NYC. Had such a fun week. Laughs& Inside jokes. I learned so much on this show. Wowza.
Also in each state they traveled to (10 different ones) they hired local pa’s well the producer , both camera guys, and the coordinator all commented on how grateful they were to have me on board for the last episode. They said I was the best.
It’s so rewarding hearing that!! Couldn’t have done it with out FiF.
Xo love ya!
I’m working on this spec TV pilot right now.
I have to say that I feel needed. And that’s a damn good feeling. I’m sure some of you have experienced this too.
This feeling that people are confident in your abilities and respect you for being so ON TOP of it.
I am the key PA on this project and I am QUICK.
All the training I’ve done and all the sets I’ve experienced have made me the person I am today. I am quick, I’m direct, I’m succinct in my exchange, I’m smiley, I listen…all of those things are why people LOVE me.
It struck me yesterday how much a huge takeaway that was. The other two PAs I delegate tasks to are nice, eager, sweet, but there is MUCH room for improvement.
And I have been helping them to help me without giving the secret sauce away (they attended the Made in NY PA program btw).
Anyway, I just felt like sharing that feeling of accomplishment and that I’ve had great conversations with a number of people from different departments on set and feel great because they all welcome working with me in the future.
To feel that abundance and confidence that there is work down the line because you’re just owning it is an awesome feeling.
I know some of you know what I’m talking about and for those that don’t I can’t wait to hear about it when you experience it <3 have a great week!
The 1st AD on this pilot took a pic of me standing in!
Look who ran into each other again!!!
Ahhhhh !!! So much happiness here in Atlanta !!! :) had such great conversation and laughs with FIF Mentor Leaf and friends. Thanks to Janet no matter where we are in the world we can always find a FIF :) xo I love all of you wonderful humans.
Hi FIF family!
I just finished my last day on a Netflix feature film in my hometown! Words can’t even explain how blessed I feel to have gotten this opportunity! I made so many wonderful friends from around the country and I’m praying deeply that I’ll get the chance to work with all of them again soon!
The best part about our business is the people.
I felt so blessed the last day because the 1st AD wanted me to call out “Ladies and gentleman, that’s a wrap!” after the final take in the room and into the walkie. What a humbling experience!
Many people on set also constantly noticed my great attitude and smile. I feel so lucky to have experienced this set!
I hope you all making wonderful friends in this business!
I hope to work with you someday!
I just got to LA (from Chicago) not too long ago!!!
Wow! Feels amazing. :)
I look back on where I was a year ago: with no idea on how to get into the film industry. And now I’m here in the center of it with a year of experience under my belt. And that experience is making me stand out from all the other resumes.
I’ve had such amazing responses from people I’ve contacted because I have listened to everything Janet has said and taken it to heart. People LOVE the way I come across in emails, in my resume, and in person in LA because industry professionals want to be surrounded by positive hardworking people! THEIR people! :)
All you have to do is want it and go for it with everything you got. :)
Listen to Janet and bring your heart and all of yourself with you to every job. You guys can do this!
Filming a parade for a commercial! (excuse the pole! lol) It’s hard to even see the camera because there’s so much going on. haha Crazy budget on this, 150 extras and ridiculously good food!
I wanted to post this because I can tell you guys that I would’ve NEVER thought I’d be on a film set, much less getting paid to be on a set this big! It still blows my mind and often I’m thinking ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! How is it I get paid $500 to $1000 a day to hang out with my friends on sets like these. CRAZY!!
But the mentorship program is the reason I made it here!! Seriously!! I had no experience or connections, very little money and was in Kansas City of all places when I started. But it took me through every step of how to do it and here I am! :)
I have to say though, not only did it show me how to have a successful career, but it also showed me how to CREATE THE LIFE I wanted in every other aspect. The mental, social, physical, you name it! It truly is LIFE CHANGING!
Don’t waste another second and GO AFTER what you deserve!!
Live from Pitfire!!! In Westlake! It’s FIF Mentor Jake’s birthday! Celebrate!!!!!
So welcome everyone so excited to get reading and watching everyone’s videos! I wanted to share a couple pics from the shoot I was on yesterday, an UA Commercial. I LOVE PENTHOUSES! Haha especially ones with such good lighting. Yay Film Industry!!! Yay
When I first started I felt like all my excitement confidence was just bravado. That I had no way of knowing where I would be in a year or what would happen to me if I took that leap of faith.
But what I found when I took it was that it opened up a world to me that I had only ever dreamed of and wished for, adventures I never knew I was allowed to have.
Now all that excited confidence is real and I’m living my dreams! So take the leap of faith, because you will find that your life ends up changing in ways you never expected. Who knows?
This is my office today! I love my job #setlife #productionassistant #livingmydreams #blessed
Celebrating fif mentor Jakes birthday!
Just booked my first five days for CNNs The Nineties!! I worked on The Eighties last year and we got to interview people like Madonna, Chuck D ( from Public Enemy) and Questlove from The Roots ( Jimmy Fallon’s house band).
I’m so excited to see who we will be interviewing for this season!!! Aaaahhhh I can’t wait!!!
Isabel, tell us all the worries that you had when you first started this program, and how you feel now?
AHHH OMG! SO.MANY WORRIES! But Janet Urban helped me find the direction to channel it all.
Story time!
I actually texted Janet the night I applied for that first CNN job. I had her look over my want to work email and we tweaked it.
The PC said he loved my email and my resume and could tell I was going to be a great!
Like WHAT?!?! He said it was just the way I worded it. It showed him I was ready to work! 😜
Without FIF, that NEVER would have happened.
I wouldn’t have built my experience.
I wouldn’t have had the chance to learn and make mistakes on the smaller sets before I got to the big ones!
Heck, I wouldn’t have know where to send my resume to!
FIF helped me direct my excitement and passion.
Not to mention, I was sort of nervous when The Eighties wrapped cause I had been working with them so long, but the Nineties wasn’t green lit yet.
I had an uncertainty of what if the Nineties doesn’t get picked up? Or what if it takes so long to start shooting that they forget about me?
Literally the DAY AFTER wrap for the Eighties, I had 4 more shoots lined up over the next two months.
It was just a week here and a week there. But they were all different projects with New York crews and I got to network with even more people!
Now whenever it gets a little slower, I don’t worry, cause I know that work is about to arrive!
That awkward moment when you’re walking to set and TINA FEY walks by… I didn’t even know she’d be here today!!
Woo hoo! After lots of crazily reworking my schedule I now am booked from tomorrow until the 18th EVERY DAY! Some for Chicago Fire, a commercial, and also a gig with The CW network :). Yay
Really! They all lined up like that?!!!
I have a Fire gig tomorrow, then Saturday is the commercial. The CW event starts the following Monday and runs until the 18th, but the 17th and 18th I am already booked for Fire as well so I will work for CW until the 16th. :). Oh, I guess there is one day I am not booked in there (the 9th). But still :)
CRAZY! That’s called a work marathon!!!
How much are you making in a month now??? I love to hear about the $$$$$$!
Hmmm…well let me do the math. I definitely work every week. Average 5-6 days a month. SO on a slow month where its one 5, I make $150 a day so that would be $750. HOLY COW! I never did the math before. That pays for this program and then some LOL! This month putting together the days I’ve booked so far I will be making…(drum roll :P) $1700 HA HA!
The first crew that I worked with called me and wanted me to be in one of their Indie PILOTS for a TV show! Did the first shoot last Saturday, what a blast! Never would have happened without FIF!!
I play a vampire hunter, but one gets me in the end, obviously :)
What an amazing experience getting to work with FIF Mentor Jen J. on set this week for a NETFLIX FEATURE FILM! Jen is such a wonderful light and it’s been incredible learning from her! It’s so much fun meeting and working with FIF friends! I hope I get to work with more of you soon someday!!
OMG, how wonderful.!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
Janet says get a passport if you’re doing the mentorship program!
I just worked on a commercial where they were taking a few PA’s with them to South America to shoot the rest of the commercial.
And then talked to another friend who knows a PA that is going to Puerto Rico to shoot the rest of the feature they’re working on.
It happens all the time!
Hello my fellow yammer-ers! Hope everyone is having a fantastic Sunday! It has been a crazy whirlwind of a month! I am working on the Robert Redford-Jane Fonda project “Our Souls at Night” as the Accounting Clerk and it’s incredible! I don’t even have enough room to tell you how amazing it’s been – got to quit my crap day job, my whole department is awesome, everyone on the shoot is so nice – but I did want to take the time to tell you all how RIGHT Janet is about everything! It still amazes me to see everything she’s taught us in action, on set and in the production office! Hope to share more later, but I wanted to check in with all my FIF peoples and see what you guys are up to. Who’s doing what?
WOW. What an amazing first week on the set of a union feature film! I feel just so blessed and excited and I know great things are coming my way!
My favorite thing about our industry is our people. Everyone on set is so kind and helpful – a lot of people know that I’m still new and they’re so willing to tell me about their experiences and what they’ve learned in the industry!
I’ve also been learning a lot about distro (handing mail out on set) and paperwork that the ADs are in charge of – it’s been really interesting!
I’m also quickly becoming friends with both the 2nd AD and the 2nd 2nd. I’m learning to anticipate things and think ahead, and, because of that, the 2nd 2nd AD called me out over walkie at the end of the night for being the MVP of the day :D I hope I’m not speaking too soon, but both of the 2nd ADs have already seemed to start taking me under their wings and giving me advice. It’s been such an incredible experience!
I’m sharing a picture the PAs and I took last night at the end of our first week on the film :)
I hope you all are having amazing experiences and having a wonderful weekend!
Hello everyone! :D Just wanted to share a pic of my first paycheck with this program!
I’ve also been sending some want to work emails to people and have gotten responses. About 4 people want to work with me. No dates, except for one production have been established, but that’s ok I’m excited nonetheless.
I’m actually going to the casting for one of the productions tomorrow. He invited me to come so we can talk more about helping as a PA.
Lastly, this Saturday I’m helping with casting again for a web series and Friday I’m going to a film showing that is hosted by someone I met at a film festival I volunteered at. : )
Hi my Friends in Film!
Today was my second day on a feature film for Netflix! It’s also my first time on a Union set and it’s SO different!
I also helped organize the AD trailer today (see attached picture) and escorted actors to set.
Definitely learning a lot and having so much fun!! I hope you all are having a wonderful week!!
Just wanted to share a couple of cool things that happened this week…
First, I got to see my name in the credits for a nationally broadcast show!! Lucha Underground season 3 premiered on Wednesday and my roommate and I both worked on it so of course we had to watch!! Check it out :)
I’m so excited I don’t think I’m ever going to stop jumping around the room when I see my name up there! Haha thank you Janet! Thank you thank you thank you
Set today in Malibu! Beautiful house!
Sunset shot!
Guess whose working on Chicago Fire again tomorrow!!!! This chica!!!!! :) So happy to see the hard work really leads to WORK! For those who are new, trust this program. Do this program! Know that it WILL happen and allow yourself to blossom and grow! :D. I am a bit jealous of all you newbies because you have no idea where you are going to go and I can tell you it is going to be wonderful! :)
Snuck a quick pick of me with my head gear! On Chicago Fire! :)
This program has been amazing!
I finally have the means to quit my day job and move into the industry! I got a two-month gig as a PA on a big Netflix feature coming to Colorado! Katie W. is also going to be working on the project and I’m so excited to start!
It’s a little bittersweet quitting my day job – I worked at Apple for over two years, and it’s a fantastic company that focuses on growth and personal development. I do feel like that job, along with this program, are constantly encouraging me to personally develop myself into a stronger, more confident person and that will continue to grow :) I’m leaving my company in incredibly good standing though – several of my managers told me they would hire me back if I ever needed a job. It felt comforting to hear that, but I feel so motivated by the film industry I’ve only begun to discover this year in Colorado!
Janet, thank you for taking your time to teach this program! I’m so blessed by you! Happiness!
What I’ve been dreaming about since I was a kid is finally happening! :)
Everybody got ice cream right now from an ice cream truck! I even had a cone with sprinkles!
Wow just have to say that the past week has been a roller coaster of excitement that just seems to be getting better and better.
Honestly I must say that having just been in FIF for only a week, I’ve had a chance to take the things I’ve learned here to set.
I’m getting calls for lead roles after one week of using these techniques!!
It has definitely made a big difference in my confidence level.
Also it’s helping me get to know people instead of not really knowing what or when to say something.
I managed to re introduce myself to a camera operator that I’d given my card to.
I’d never dreamed I’d get booked to work on this show, let alone be standing on set taking directions from Mario Van Peebles!! I managed to shake his hand after the “martini” and he said we’d done a great job!
The PA’s are starting to know me and say things like “Hope to see you back working with us!”
So thanks, Janet Urban and all the FIF members and Mentors because if you’ve ever second guessed what you’re doing here, it is indeed making a difference.
What a surprise! FIF MENTOR Alex was working Art department on the same shoot I was background PA for!!! NYC is the biggest small city in the world :) So awesome to meet one of our mentors :D
Our FIF meet up at Stonefire Grill. Mentor AJ surprised me by flying down to LA from San Francisco! : – )