DO NOT WAIT to Start Your Acting Career!

If you have been preparing to become an actor, but haven’t been getting on sets, you need to be.

Practicing your craft, learning as much as you can about acting and what makes you stand out as an actor is great! But all that preparation is not going to give you what you need to create a career in acting. What you MUST HAVE are professional relationships, and the only place to meet professionals is on professional sets, and you don’t need to be there only as an actor.

Once professionals see you as a peer and as someone who is serious about improving and succeeding in their craft, the right doors will start to open up for you.

Getting on set in any professional capacity will open up opportunities to learn from the best. Who are the best teachers? Who are the best directors and writers? What goes on behind the scenes in the casting department? You need to get on set to find out, and that’s where Friends in Film comes in. We’re here to teach you how to get on set and how to stand out. How to be in the right place at the right time and how to have the conversations that will build the foundations of a career that will last the rest of your life.

When you are able to get behind the scenes and meet the people who make the decisions on casting and scriptwriting and directing, as well as the opportunity to meet working actors, you’ll learn so much about the acting profession and have confidence knowing that everyone just wants to do great work. They’re people and they’re doing a job, just like you, and you don’t need to be intimidated or feel like they don’t want you to succeed in the industry. We want you to have that confidence and we’ll help get you in the right places to build it.

Note: Even during the world health crisis currently ongoing, there are things you can be doing to get ready for the flood of film work that is going to open up the minute we’re allowed to get back on set. Already there are signs that the economy is going to open back up, and when that happens, there’s going to be more film work at one time than we’ve ever seen. There will be more jobs than there are people to fill them, and that is GREAT news for anyone trying to break into the professional industry. We want you to be the new blood getting on everyone’s lists!

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